1. Vintage bedding, 2. baby quilt, 3. P1120121, 4. embroidery bird, 5. Patchwork towels, 6. vintage feedsack :: quilt cards, 7. DSC02662, 8. Five Things Sent, 9. VW Bus Colored Pencil Roll, 10. DSC02694, 11. Turquoise: mine at last!, 12. Bebe' Bird Bib
Created with fd's Flickr Toys.
anyday?! Lucky! ;) Good luck and don't feel defeated if you do give in...I finally realized the hardest part is the last bit (transition) Relatively short compared to the rest of labor in most cases. Good luck, and smile a lot!
You're more patient than I was. I practically FORCED my OBGYN to induce me the day BEFORE I was due. I just couldn't take it anymore. lol Good luck and hang in there!!!!
Some very pretty inspiration!
(When is your due date? I knew you were pregnant, but didn't realize you were so close to giving birth for some reason... Silly me, not paying close attention as always! :)
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